Why Isn’t Hip-Hop Having Its Own #MeToo Moment?

1. Reflection Questions

Is there something in this video that resonates with you? 

What questions do you still have after watching this video? 

2. Take Action

Say Something. Everybody deserves to engage in positive, healthy, and consensual relationships. It can be hard to tell when relationships with people we care about start to veer into harmful or unhealthy territory. If you or someone you care about has been a victim of sexual assault, domestic violence, or intimate partner abuse, reach out to the Peace over Violence Emergency hotline to be connected to emotional support and/ or resources that best serve your needs. 

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3. Healing + Resilience

Get Connected. Everybody deserves to engage in positive, healthy, and consensual relationships. It can be hard to tell when relationships with people we care about start to veer into harmful or unhealthy territory. That’s why it’s so important to be clear about what a healthy relationship looks like for you and what to do when you see or experience signs of abusive or coercive relationship behaviors. Join thatsnotcool.com to be in the conversation about what respect looks like in youth relationships.

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