Homeless Dinners
Homeless Dinners
By: Neighbor to Neighbor
Neighbor to Neighbor provides free meals and medical care to those who are in a financial hardship or homeless. The program was started by South Bay Community Church of the Brethren (now Journey South Bay) 20 years ago. It is through the volunteer efforts of 5 churches and 1 temple that help put on the "hot" weekly dinners.
Free Meals
Served weekly, on Thursdays, at 6:30 pm. Coffee and pastries are served at 6:00 pm. Please line up from 190th Street.
Free Medical Care:
On the 3rd Thursday of each month, doctors and pharmacists volunteer their time to serve those who need medical attention and attend the dinner.
Journey South Bay, Fellowship Hall
If you would like to volunteer, please contact fill out the form to the right or call
(310) 947-2938.