January 10, 2023,
211 LA Public Comment on the Proclamation of Local Emergency for Homelessness
In response to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors’ Proclamation of Local Emergency for Homelessness on Tuesday, January 10, 211 LA issued the following public comment from Maribel Marin, Executive Director, 211 LA:
“211 LA is the information lifeline of the homeless crisis, answering thousands of calls for help on a daily basis. We support the county’s Emergency Proclamation and recommend focusing attention on getting more beds and shelter space. The situation is dire, and the demand for beds continually outpaces the supply.
Every day, 211 LA goes above and beyond its contractual duty to point the county’s most vulnerable in the right direction. 211 LA has secured relationships with 20 motels with a capacity of 1,194 rooms. However, these rooms are also available to the public, other housing service providers and are not solely reserved for use by 211 LA for active Winter Shelter events. Therefore, there are typically each day only 1-2 winter shelter beds available, putting additional pressure on available motel spaces. You heard correctly: one to two beds per day.
Overall, there are currently fewer available beds and shelter spaces for winter shelter than there were last year. The complex process of getting unhoused people to appropriate places also needs to be streamlined. The emergency is real. Getting more beds and shelters is the answer, and time is of the essence. We have ideas and would be happy to provide a briefing on the situation.”
Media Contacts:
Brian Peterson
Gilbert Zavala
About 211 LA:
211 LA is the hub for community members and community organizations looking for all types of health, human, and social services in Los Angeles County. We provide information and referrals to the services that best meet individual needs through our 24-hour 2-1-1 call line or through our website, text, and chat. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, 211 LA has served the people of Los Angeles County since 1981, when it was formed under the name of The Information and Referral Federation of Los Angeles (also formerly known as InfoLine). 211 LA's services are funded through partnerships with the LA County Board of Supervisors, CEO, and Departments; with contracts with the State of California, LAHSA, SoCal Gas, Southern California Edison, AARP, and others; and with grants from foundations including the National Institute of Health (NIH)