LA vs Hate is a community-centered system designed to support all residents of Los Angeles County. Led by the Human Relations Commission, LA vs Hate partners with community partners from all five County districts, representing a diverse coalition of voices committed to ending hate. 211 LA’s services and care coordination technology allow for the system to address the normalization of hate and inspire people to stand up to it, build understanding about what constitutes a hate act, and how to report it. The care also extends to ongoing support for individuals and communities as they heal from the trauma of hate.
In February, the LA vs Hate Dream Center at Norwalk High School opened. 211 LA Stop the Hate team members, staff from the LA County Commission on Human Relations, and students, faculty, and administration were present to celebrate the moment.
As a grantee of the California Department of Social Services’ Stop the Hate initiative, 211 LA supports the LA vs Hate Dream Centers by expanding hate reporting and follow-up by having our care coordinators located at each school to provide advocacy and support to school communities. 211 LA helps to staff the centers managed by community partner Helpline Youth Counseling (HYC).
Dream Centers provide students and their families with safe and inclusive spaces and the Norwalk High program is modeled after the centers started in 2016 by teachers who saw how anti-immigrant rhetoric was negatively impacting immigrant students.
The eight Dream Centers currently in operation are:
1. Fedde Middle School in Hawaiian Gardens
2. Artesia High School in Lakewood
3. Norwalk High School in Norwalk
4. Inglewood High School in Inglewood
5. La Puente High School in La Puente
6. John F. Kennedy High School in Granada Hills
7. Piute Middle School in Lancaster
8. Morningside High School in Inglewood
Learn more about our Ant-Hate Programs here.