Weatherization Programs


The program provides energy conservation rebates and services for people who live in Southern California Gas Company's service area. Services include Residential/Business Online Energy Analysis, Energy Efficiency and Rebate Programs, Home Energy Upgrade Financing, Home Weatherization Improvements and Self-Generation Incentive Program.

Residential/Business Online Energy Analysis provides customers with information regarding how much energy they are using and where they are using the most energy. The program also offers recommendations to make the home or business more energy efficient. The analysis is available online at

Energy Efficiency and Rebates programs provides homeowners, owners of multifamily units (5 or more) and commercial and industrial customers rebates and incentives to assist with energy efficiency improvements.

Home Energy Upgrade Financing provides unsecured, low-interest financing for energy-efficient home improvements. The financing is backed by Fannie Mae and Viewtech Financial administers the financing. Financing may be up to 20,000.

Home Weatherization improvements are performed through the Energy Savings Assistance Program, where eligible Gas Company renters and homeowners may receive free energy-saving home improvements such as ceiling insulation, door weather stripping, caulking, water heater blankets, low flow shower heads, duct testing and minor home repairs. Homeowners may also be eligible to receive free repair or replacement of a qualifying natural gas furnace. Customers can participate in the program once every ten years while at the same residence.

Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) is a State of California program that offers rebates for installing energy storage technology at both homes and non-residential facilities. These storage technologies include battery storage systems that can function during a power outage.
  • Chinese-Cantonese
  • Chinese-Mandarin
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese
  • feeStructure
  • Free
  • applicationProcedure
  • Call to Apply
  • Address

    555 W. Fifth St.

    Los Angeles , California 90013 (Mailing)


    555 W. Fifth St.

    Los Angeles , California 90013 (Physical)

    Get directions
    Service hours
    monday : 09:00-17:00
    tuesday : 09:00-17:00
    wednesday : 09:00-17:00
    thursday : 09:00-17:00
    friday : 09:00-17:00




    Service/Intake (Pay Bill by Phone Program Residential/Commercial; CARE Program)


    Service/Intake (DigAlert to mark gas lines)


    Service/Intake (Spanish)


    Service/Intake (Mandarin)


    Service/Intake (24-hour Residential Service and Business Service ;Emergencies; Rebate Program)


    Service/Intake (Language Line Services)


    Service/Intake (Residential Customers, International Callers (001-909-307-7070))


    Service/Intake (Vietnamese)


    Service/Intake (Korean)


    Service/Intake (Cantonese)

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