Edna Chavez: March for Our Lives

1. Reflection Questions

What key points does Edna Chavez make in her speech? 

Whose perspective does Edna Chavez represent and why is that perspective important? 

2. Take Action

Organize. Community Coalition has a legacy of training youth advocates to gain the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to make real change in their local communities. If you’re interested in learning more about how to get involved in the South Central Youth Empowered Thru Action (SC-YEA) organizing committees connect to Community Coalition organizers through their website! We also suggest reading more about what March for our Lives does throughout the country and how you can get involved. 

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3. Healing + Resilience

Move your body. Dance, exercise, sports, and all forms of body movement can be powerful ways to release pent up stress and emotion. Los Angeles County Parks & Recreation offers a variety of free and low-cost programs that you can sign up for in your local community. And if you want to move at home, YouTube is a great source of free movement tutorials for whatever exercise feels best for you.

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