The Racist History of US Immigration Policy

1. Reflection Questions

How does this video expand upon something you already knew or experienced?

Why is understanding the history of US Immigration important today?


2. Take Action

Learn locally. Los Angeles County is home to immigrants from around the world, all with diverse histories, experiences and needs. The LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs is a robust resource that demonstrates the several supports that are available for folks all across the county. Whether you come from an immigrant family or are an ally to immigrant families, it’s helpful to know the legal protections and financial resources that neighbors, family members and friends can turn to in times of need.

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3. Healing + Resilience

Support others. Taking time to support others in your immediate circles and community can help to create a sense of connection and alleviate loneliness. With friends or family, that could look like lending a listening ear or helping someone with a chore. You can also gather a group of friends or family members to join efforts and support your community at

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