What is the Census?
The census is a process that happens once every 10 years in which the US Census Bureau counts EVERYONE living in the United States regardless of age, living situation, or immigration status.
Why does the Census matter?
Fair Funding for L.A. County. Census data determines how more than $ 675 billion in federal government resources will be distributed to states and localities for the next 10 years. Your participation in the Census ensures Los Angeles receives the funding it deserves for important services and programs such as:
- Hospitals and health clinics
- Roads and bridges,
- School lunches,
- Immunizations for children,
- Early childhood education,
- Medicaid,
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),
- Section 8 housing, and
- Senior nutrition programs.
Fair Representation. The 2020 Census count also determines the number of representatives California has in the U.S. House of Representatives and the number of votes we have in the Electoral College.The more accurate the count, the more proportional California’s representation in our Federal Government will be to our population.
Who is affected?
Everyone Counts. Every person living in the United States, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, living situation, or immigration status is essential for the Census to accurately represent the United State’s population.
Census Data is for Everyone.Census data is also used by businesses, community initiatives, local governments and more to make decisions and move forward plans and policies to address challenges faced by their local community.
How do I complete the Census?
Between April 1, 2020 and July 31, 2020 you can complete the Census:
Online: The online response form can be accessed at https://my2020census.gov/.
Phone: The census questionnaire can be completed by phone in English at (844) 330-2020 or in 12 other languages (https://2020census.gov/en/ways-to-respond/responding-by-phone.html)
Mail: Approximately 20% of households will receive a paper questionnaire along with an invitation to respond online.
Every household in Los Angeles should receive an invitation by April 1, 2020.
For sample USCB planned mailings visit https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-kits/2020/2020-census-mailings.html